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Teacher management

1. Create new teacher

Here you can create new teachers.
How to create new teachers, see page Create teacher.

2. Filter options

You have the option of filtering your teachers according to the following criteria:

  • Active, archived and not yet registered teachers
  • Various groups that you can create individually, see page Create groups
  • And the period when the teacher registered

3. Overview of all teachers

Here you have an overview of all active teachers. If you would like to display your archived teachers, you can do this using the filter options. The following items are displayed for teachers:

  • Surname and first name
  • Date of registration
  • E-mail address
  • Groups you manage
  • Further actions (see point 4)

4. Quick actions to the teacher

You can display the teacher profile, resend the invitation if the teacher is not yet registered, or archive the teacher so that they are no longer displayed for you among the active teachers.
